Wholesale Report (Global & MENAT region)

Trends, opportunities for digital tools, and recent innovators in the market.

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Wholesale Report (Global & MENAT region)

Trends, opportunities for digital tools, and recent innovators in the market.

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Today's wholesalers face a range of challenges like evolving customer expectations, price transparency, efficiency pressures, digital rivals, thin margins, and global crises. To stay competitive, they must embrace digital transformation to enhance service delivery. However, technological gaps and leadership uncertainty often delay this process.

Some of the recent trends that are changing the wholesale market are, among others:

  • Use of predictive analytics and AI
  • Need for user-friendly B2B commerce
  • Sustainability is of increasing importance to buyers

Overall, the wholesale market requires total digital transformation to:

  • Optimize inventory handling
  • Supplement staff shortages with automation
  • Enable (somewhat) lean operations

What can you find in the report?

  • Market size and growth estimations
  • Market trends and opportunities in the market
  • Success factors for digital transformation
  • Recent funding in global digital wholesale and relevant players in the Middle East market